Full Steam Ahead-Almost!

Lately I feel like I have been running out of energy, dealing with an ankle that is slow in healing so that involves doctor appointments and MRIs and CT scans, etc. I want to fight every place this journey seems to be taking me. And yet, I look at this picture and I am aware that the path is merely taking a turn, not really pulling me off the path. It is because I think I should be moving straight that I run into the fence!

How often we have made up our minds about where we think we should be, and what that path should look like, and we forget to look up, be aware, and notice the beauty that is around us now, in this very minute. Do you let detours get in the way of your progress? Are you worried only about arriving rather than celebrating where you are?

I want my ankle to be well, I want my new classes and coaching packages to fall into place (some new things are coming!), I want to be in a place of peace. What I know now is that each “I want” keeps me from ever arriving where I think I should be. The only way to have peace, to be well, and to be in the flow, is to say “I am.” I am here right now. I am moving toward my goal. I am trusting in the process. I am safe, and learning what I need to do to take care of my body. When I focus on “I am” rather than “I want”, a different energy fills my body, and my breath alone creates healing space.

How can you change your “I wants” into “I am” statements today? You really are in the right place at the right time. How about instead of running into blocks, just lifting your eyes, and becoming aware of the beauty and love around you right now?

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